Sunday, August 8, 2010

Prop 8 squashed in California - finally

The decision finally came down last week that millions of Americans have been waiting patiently for - Judge Vaughn Walker of California declared Proposition 8, that had previously banned same-sex marriage, unconstitutional. A grand gesture, and in my opinion, a stride in the right direction.

If I may step back in time for a moment, I spent some time in California with a great friend of mine in 2008. We went out one night while I was there and found ourselves in the middle of a march for No on Proposition 8. I was familiar, at the time, with the debate that would soon take the legality of same-sex marriages away once more...but I hadn't been exposed to much since I didn't reside in Cali. This march quickly became one of my favorite memories. I have been against Prop 8 from the beginning, but it felt so good to carry a No on 8 sign as I walked through streets filled with numerous people. Gay, straight, black, white, male, female...none of that matter to anyone out was about equality. I walked away that night with a warm heart.

I continue to read the arguments that those in support of Prop 8 supply. For example - marriage needing to be reserved for one man and one woman. Why? I appreciate that Judge Walker's response was "Tradition alone cannot form a rational basis for a law." So many people worry about the tradition of marriage being destroyed...I think we can all agree that a divorce rate of over 50%, when only straight couples were allowed to marry, shows a pretty strong decline in tradition. If that's the route people really want to take, stack the decks side-by-side. It's the same if you argue that 2 women won't provide a positive male posture in a child's life - what about single parents?

I actually laughed out loud at the argument, "Proceed with caution when implementing social changes." Really? REALLY? Where have people been hiding that they haven't noticed the change that has been happening for many years now? We are now hindering a change that has been happening for a very long time, and for what reason? I feel like we're back in the 60's, trying our best to keep anyone of color on the back of the bus, or at another water fountain.

I attend a Baptist church each week...and I have so many friends that attend church on a regular basis as I would encourage everyone out there that believes all church-goers are in support of Prop 8 to take a second and not jump to judgmental conclusions - just as I would encourage those I sit next to in church to not pass judgment on anyone because of who they love. Gay does not equal negative...and that's the stigma society continues to support. There are so many people in the Bible that we could stop and look at and see such negativity surrounding them, yet Jesus loved each and every one of the people he encountered. I wish people would stop for a moment before they throw a religious rock in a glass house.

I have a best friend who is gay. She is the funniest and loveliest girl I know. I hope one day to attend her wedding...because she deserves the right to express her love and commitment just as much as each and every one of us deserves that right.

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