Thursday, August 19, 2010

A hate crime hits home for me...

Hate crimes...

1998 - A black man is chained behind a truck in Jasper, Texas and dragged to his death by 3 white men.

2010 - A white man in South Carolina is charged with killing a black man and dragging his body behind a truck for 10 miles.

1998 - A gay man is tortured and murdered in Wyoming for being gay.

Hate crimes...and these are just a few.

We read about these stories in the news...the beatings, the senseless deaths, the riots and then supportive marches by protected groups like the KKK. Unfortunately, it has finally hit too close to home for me.

Sunday, August 15, 2010 - 2 women were attacked in Mainstrasse Village in Covington, KY. Slurs were being screamed at them through the entire ordeal, "Faggots" "Dykes" "Queers." One girl was punched in the face by a man named Timothy Searp. "He had a knife in my face the entire time," she told me. Her head was slammed against a brick wall and she was thrown into the street by her hair, where another man - Devlin Burke - proceeded to kick her repeatedly. "He kept running at me and kicking like I was a football." Her friend dove on top of her in the street to shield her from enduring any more blows and struck the attacker with a wine bottle she had received earlier that night as a house warming gift. It was enough to stagger Burke and prevent my friend from being pummeled any further.

A passing van stopped to try and assist my friend and her group...these good Samaritans paid a price as well. One man was stabbed in the stomach, one teenager was slashed across the wrist, and still another had his pants slashed by the knife-wielding cowards.

Hate crimes...

I have never been more disgusted with people than I am right now. This isn't just another news story to took place in an area near where I lived in college. It happened around the bars that I have visited. It directly affected someone I call my dear friend. I have no problem making my views known about acts like this - but I will be taking a stronger stance now. Laying low accomplishes little in life - so it's time to stand tall.

There is now an action plan in the works for the city of Covington - and I will gladly be a part of the activities and fundraisers that will be coming down the road, in an attempt to take the city back that stares at Cincinnati from across the river. I was born in Covington. My mom grew up in Covington. I don't want to be ashamed of Covington.

Here is a link to the story itself:

Seriously - when are we going to stop taking one step forward, and 3 steps back?


  1. So sick J! I can't believe people are still this jaded, this ignorant, this prejudice anymore. It saddens me, the fear, not the hate...


  2. I agree Erin. The ignorance stems from fear, and that's just sad....PERIOD. It's too bad that people are so narrow minded, that they would turn to violence. It saddens me many respects.
