Monday, November 29, 2010

San Francisco in November

Notorious for fog and cold weather, San Francisco was a pleasant surprise to me this November. I was lucky to be there when the temps were in the mid 60’s and the sun was shining every day. Don’t get me wrong, I found myself walking on the side of the street where the sun was shining because the shade was still a tad cool, but what can you expect being right on the water?

We stayed in Fisherman’s Wharf, and while it was a great hotel (The Sheraton), I would definitely choose to stay more toward the Financial District next go around. Every tourist known to man stays in the Wharf – and while there is a lot to see there – I would like to make my way in and out of there every day. The views are incredible though…Alcatraz, The Golden Gate Bridge, the entire Bay area…breath taking at times, the views are a definite draw in San Francisco.

If I may make two suggestions for anyone planning a trip to the Bay area – eat dinner at Franchino’s and rent bikes to ride across The Golden Gate Bridge!

Franchino’s is in North Beach and is one of many Italian restaurants of choice in that area. If I had to choose again, I would choose the same. I had the cheese tortellini and couldn’t have been happier. Coupled with a glass of Pinot Grigio, I quickly found myself in heaven. This little place boasts big atmosphere when it only seats probably 25 people, at most. The owner greets you in Italian and immediately makes you feel at home. We had reservations, so we were lucky to get right to a table, but I can’t imagine there ever being a huge wait. The turnaround seemed fairly quick. And the location – perfect for an after dinner stroll around the streets of North Beach…check it out!

Blazing Saddles was our stop for bikes in the Bay. They stand out on the street yelling in your face as you walk by, “BIKE THE BRIDGE!!!!” It’s a little overwhelming, but it’s a tourist town, so I expected it. What I did not expect was the fun I had biking 8+ miles across the bridge and into Sausalito. WOW! There are a couple of hills before the bridge that will take your breath away – but take a chance to recover, because the views from the bridge and Sausalito will steal your breath for sure!

When I was riding across the bridge, the sounds from the cars disappeared. In fact, I don’t recall hearing anything but silence as I looked at everything around me. I was probably blocking a lot out as well since I’m terrified of bridges, but I had to make this ride. I wasn’t disappointed. As you cross over and hit the mainland there is a spot to stop and see how far you’ve come, where you are, and where you are still headed. The hills down into Sausalito were fun for me because I love the speed of the downhill ride. As I came out at the base of the hill and into town I stopped to look around at all of the homes and businesses. I have never been to Italy, but I would imagine that it looks a lot like Sausalito. The homes on the water were beautiful, and the little street cafĂ©’s that we passed had such a quaint appearance. We parked our bikes near the water and walked through the streets to get coffee and people watch. After 8 miles on a bike, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to walk at all, but the feeling you get from the accomplishment of conquering that ride is so motivating.

We opted to take the ferry home, which I enjoyed as well. It provided a perspective of what we had just accomplished that I wanted burned into my brain for a lifetime. It also allowed for great views of the Bay as we skirted across the waters past the bridge and Alcatraz. Besides, the monstrous hills we came down into Sausalito – no way could I have made it up those things to ride home!!

I am so lucky to be able to travel as much as I do. I’m blessed to experience the places I experience, and continue to grow as I broaden my horizons. As we all journey through life, it’s nice to step outside ourselves for a moment and breathe in the many places that surround us. There is so much to see in this great big world that I haven’t even begun to touch…but my bags are always close, and I’m ready for that next trip at all times!! San Franciso – check!

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