Friday, November 5, 2010


Writing is my therapy and love - but I will tell you runs a VERY close second. It's amazing to me the emotions that are stirred simply by hearing a song. Joy, sadness, anger, and peace are just a few emotions that I experience on a daily basis through a song. In fact, I've learned recently that mourning can be aided by music - although at the time, I found myself more angry that the words and rhythms were drawing tears from me instead of being willing to accept the fact that it was actually helping me move through the emotions that I wasn't willing to let go of on my own.

I took a trip this summer with three of my girlfriends and there is now a list of songs that I associate with the best moments of that trip. Whenever I hear them I'm instantly transported back to the beach, the streets of LA, or in the room getting ready to go out for the night. I find myself smiling uncontrollably during those moments because the songs remind me of such a happy moment in time. "Hello. Good morning."

Just as those songs bring me happiness, there is a playlist on my iPod for heartbreak as well. The songs on that playlist illicit a completely different set of emotions from me. I'm moving through those songs with anger and sadness - but with a hope that peace, will also come. So very different than the other songs that bring such joy, this list reminds me of the pain of love lost. What I find interesting: the songs that I hear in that list are songs that I have been listening to for a long time, and thoroughly love, but they are now associated with a totally different aspect of my life. And, as much as I love them, they will now and forever be associated with a broken heart. But don't get it twisted, I will keep listening!

Whether it's happy, sad, or angry, I wouldn't trade in my music for anything in the world. I love driving to work each morning and listening to my playlists. I love sitting on the airplane, falling asleep to a slow mix that I've saved. And as much as it hurts, I love working through the harder times in my life simply by listening to music.

While writing is what I love to do, and live to love, music will always hold a special place in my heart as well. In fact, there are notes and words accompanying me right now as I write - and they will likely continue to do so as I journey through life with pen to paper.

Why not allow music to set the soundtrack of your life? You might be surprised at the impact a song can have!

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