Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Bullied to death"

With all the recent headlines I have felt compelled to write the issue of bullying. Young people are taking their own lives because of the pressures put upon them by other human beings. It has to end…and now.

Bullies have been around forever, but it just seems to me that it’s starting earlier, and more intense, than ever before. I can remember seeing it happen in my schools, and I can remember making sarcastic remarks that probably hurt people’s feelings…but breaking a CHILD’s arm because he wanted to be a cheerleader? Unfathomable-yes…but no longer unrealistic.

Why do people harbor the idea they are superior to others? Why in the world would anyone think it okay to SPY on a roommate and broadcast their private life over the internet? We are a sick world that times have come to this. People hide their true selves because they see what is happening to others around them, and end up missing out on so much in life because of fear. They fear the repercussions, they fear the backlash, they fear being outcast, and they fear rejection. We are supposed to be taking steps forward, but I feel like Rosa Parks has since been replaced by a gay teen on the back of the bus...who feels compelled to put a gun to his/her head because they fear nothing will get better. I thought we were breaking these cycles…but that teen could be one of less fortune as well.

We need to take a stand, regardless of our personal beliefs, and let people know that it should be common decency to respect those around you. I’m not asking anyone to change what they believe – but is it too much to ask everyone to form a united front for LIFE? How many young people have to die before we step outside ourselves and scream that it’s not okay? It’s not okay to make fun of someone everyday because of the clothes they wear, or the music they like, or their sexual orientation! Stripped naked and put in a crowd, we are all the same, barring gender. But it starts with each of us…to find our voices and speak up for those that feel their mouths are covered.

This is something that hits home for me, for personal reasons, and I am nothing short of passionate about doing whatever possible to support and encourage those that are bullied. Opening up communication and starting a dialogue with any young person that is being affected is a responsibility each of us should take seriously. You never know when your child, niece, nephew, cousin, neighbor, or friend could be hurting so deeply because of how they are being treated. According to statistics, 1 in 5 students are bullied each year-and a staggering 9 in 10 gay/lesbian students. So don’t stay still, and don’t remain quiet…the longer we do, the more lives we’ll lose.

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