Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Borrowed Time

Living on borrowed time has always been a concept in which I believed. We have one life to live – we should take risks, live big, love much, and do everything for happiness. We’re borrowing the time we have, so why not use it to its fullest potential? Besides, we never know when that time will end.

It’s only been recent that I’ve started to really evaluate the way I spend all my time, with whom I spend that time, and what dreams I need to follow while I still have time to borrow. I’ve always played it safe. Financial security being number one on the list of to-do’s, followed by time spent with my family and friends, dating, travelling, and then the miscellaneous items in life. Those have all flip-flopped for me as of late. I can make money regardless, so the need to get more and more and more has dropped down on my radar…it’s been replaced by time with my family, dating, and travelling. These to-do items aren’t always in the same order either…which leaves me wide open for twists and turns. I’ve come to realize that happiness is SO important in this life…and while having money makes things easier sometimes, like travelling, it doesn’t bring me the happiness I ultimately want in life. I want to jump outside the box, follow my dreams, and make things happen that others would tell me are impossible. That is exactly why I finally got the star tattoo on the inside of my wrist. For me, it’s a reminder that the stars in reach, and I should remember to reach for them. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realized I’m ready to commit to that statement. I’m ready to leap after my dreams…so I had the reminder inked to my wrist, and I plan to have 2 more added in the near future. Each representing a different star (dream) I want to grab onto.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still that responsible girl that takes care of business behind the scenes, I’m just putting myself out there to take more risks. You gain nothing if you risk nothing…and there are things I want to gain.

There’s always a flip-side to risk-taking though…and I would like to think I’m centered enough in my life now that I will be able to take those unsuccessful outcomes in stride. I have had to do that recently, and I’m proud of myself for how I’m coming out on the other side. Pushing the door to, but not closing it all the way. I will be running that risk with the possibility of publishing as well. Some people will love my words; others will despise my style and technique. I refuse to give up until something hits printing though. I will take it all in stride…and the success that will follow will be a wrangled star for me.

We could all use a reminder now and again about what is important in life…what makes us happy…and it’s important that we fight for those things. We stand a little taller, smile a little wider, and can exhale a little longer when we do. I like being a dreamer, but more importantly now, I love being a follower of those dreams!

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