Wednesday, October 27, 2010


I was listening to a song on the way to work this morning titled, “Wonderful Wonder,” by Ginny Owens. The first few lines of the song struck a nerve for me…

“I don’t know the ocean’s crystal blue…
And I don’t climb the mountains for the view.
Or wish upon the stars above my head…
Or bear witness to a marvelous sunset.”

Ginny Owens is an incredible pianist and vocalist. She is also blind.

Her words got me thinking…if I had to give up one of my senses at this point in my life, which one would I choose?

After a quick run down of the five senses, it was easy for me to choose. I would give up my hearing. I don’t like noise.

What was more interesting to me though, is the why behind my unwillingness to consider sight. Listening to Ginny’s song, it’s so incredibly touching to hear her pour her heart out about what she’s missing right now, but how she will be in awe, after death, by everything she is able to see for the first time.

For me, I am a visionary person. I like to be quiet and get lost in my own head (another reason why hearing was my choice) and just enjoy the sights around me. I like to see what is before me, touch what I see, and get lost in the eyes of another. Those are things that make me smile, they make my heart beat a little stronger, and they remind me of the life I have right before me.

I have been guilty in the past of overlooking what has been right before me, but I’m taking a little bit more time these days: Enough time to be reminded of what I love, who I love, and how seeing that love before me makes me feel.

Writing is what I love to do, and allowing myself to follow that love is becoming more fulfilling than I would have ever dreamed. One day, I will share that fulfillment with another as well – and I can only imagine the feelings that will provide us both.

I’m so fortunate to have all of my senses in tact, but I would be cheating myself if I didn’t take a little more time to enjoy each of them in the coming years. We are not promised tomorrow, nor are we promised everything we have today…we need to take the time to enjoy life to the fullest. Take some risks. Find purpose in a dream and follow it. Explore your senses and find the enjoyment in each when you focus on them.

I may even blindfold myself at the dinner table tonight and see how much more I enjoy that every day experience.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Borrowed Time

Living on borrowed time has always been a concept in which I believed. We have one life to live – we should take risks, live big, love much, and do everything for happiness. We’re borrowing the time we have, so why not use it to its fullest potential? Besides, we never know when that time will end.

It’s only been recent that I’ve started to really evaluate the way I spend all my time, with whom I spend that time, and what dreams I need to follow while I still have time to borrow. I’ve always played it safe. Financial security being number one on the list of to-do’s, followed by time spent with my family and friends, dating, travelling, and then the miscellaneous items in life. Those have all flip-flopped for me as of late. I can make money regardless, so the need to get more and more and more has dropped down on my radar…it’s been replaced by time with my family, dating, and travelling. These to-do items aren’t always in the same order either…which leaves me wide open for twists and turns. I’ve come to realize that happiness is SO important in this life…and while having money makes things easier sometimes, like travelling, it doesn’t bring me the happiness I ultimately want in life. I want to jump outside the box, follow my dreams, and make things happen that others would tell me are impossible. That is exactly why I finally got the star tattoo on the inside of my wrist. For me, it’s a reminder that the stars in reach, and I should remember to reach for them. It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that I realized I’m ready to commit to that statement. I’m ready to leap after my dreams…so I had the reminder inked to my wrist, and I plan to have 2 more added in the near future. Each representing a different star (dream) I want to grab onto.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still that responsible girl that takes care of business behind the scenes, I’m just putting myself out there to take more risks. You gain nothing if you risk nothing…and there are things I want to gain.

There’s always a flip-side to risk-taking though…and I would like to think I’m centered enough in my life now that I will be able to take those unsuccessful outcomes in stride. I have had to do that recently, and I’m proud of myself for how I’m coming out on the other side. Pushing the door to, but not closing it all the way. I will be running that risk with the possibility of publishing as well. Some people will love my words; others will despise my style and technique. I refuse to give up until something hits printing though. I will take it all in stride…and the success that will follow will be a wrangled star for me.

We could all use a reminder now and again about what is important in life…what makes us happy…and it’s important that we fight for those things. We stand a little taller, smile a little wider, and can exhale a little longer when we do. I like being a dreamer, but more importantly now, I love being a follower of those dreams!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

"Bullied to death"

With all the recent headlines I have felt compelled to write the issue of bullying. Young people are taking their own lives because of the pressures put upon them by other human beings. It has to end…and now.

Bullies have been around forever, but it just seems to me that it’s starting earlier, and more intense, than ever before. I can remember seeing it happen in my schools, and I can remember making sarcastic remarks that probably hurt people’s feelings…but breaking a CHILD’s arm because he wanted to be a cheerleader? Unfathomable-yes…but no longer unrealistic.

Why do people harbor the idea they are superior to others? Why in the world would anyone think it okay to SPY on a roommate and broadcast their private life over the internet? We are a sick world that times have come to this. People hide their true selves because they see what is happening to others around them, and end up missing out on so much in life because of fear. They fear the repercussions, they fear the backlash, they fear being outcast, and they fear rejection. We are supposed to be taking steps forward, but I feel like Rosa Parks has since been replaced by a gay teen on the back of the bus...who feels compelled to put a gun to his/her head because they fear nothing will get better. I thought we were breaking these cycles…but that teen could be one of less fortune as well.

We need to take a stand, regardless of our personal beliefs, and let people know that it should be common decency to respect those around you. I’m not asking anyone to change what they believe – but is it too much to ask everyone to form a united front for LIFE? How many young people have to die before we step outside ourselves and scream that it’s not okay? It’s not okay to make fun of someone everyday because of the clothes they wear, or the music they like, or their sexual orientation! Stripped naked and put in a crowd, we are all the same, barring gender. But it starts with each of us…to find our voices and speak up for those that feel their mouths are covered.

This is something that hits home for me, for personal reasons, and I am nothing short of passionate about doing whatever possible to support and encourage those that are bullied. Opening up communication and starting a dialogue with any young person that is being affected is a responsibility each of us should take seriously. You never know when your child, niece, nephew, cousin, neighbor, or friend could be hurting so deeply because of how they are being treated. According to statistics, 1 in 5 students are bullied each year-and a staggering 9 in 10 gay/lesbian students. So don’t stay still, and don’t remain quiet…the longer we do, the more lives we’ll lose.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Get Out of Town

No seriously… you should GO.

I’m a gypsy these least that what’s my cousin tells me. But, the truth is that I love vacationing and getting out of town. There is so much to see and do, and I want to look back 10 years from now and smile at all of things I’ve done and seen. I actually feel a little bit sorry for those people that don’t go anywhere...or they just go back to the same place all the time. Maybe it’s my roots that make me this way, but I love it, and would encourage others to GET OUT.

See, I grew up from the midwest, to the west, to the southwest, to the southeast in the US. I moved for the first time at 6 months old…so that’s one I don’t remember...but I remember Kentucky, I remember Las Vegas, I remember El Paso, and I remember Knoxville. I wasn’t a military brat, I was a Levi’s brat! Dad’s job took us to each place...then I brought myself back to northern Kentucky in 1998. (I’ve been itching to move again since like 2003) The diversity of these places has helped shape me into the person that I am today. I love Las Vegas…and my heart remains out west, for sure...but I learned the most in El Paso and Knoxville. Such polar opposites are these places.

In El Paso, I was one of maybe 8 white kids in the school that I remember. Yet, I never felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I don’t remember any discrimination or intimidation for my race. When I moved to Knoxville, it was a sea of white kids – and yet I felt like I stuck out. I will never forget starting there in 8th grade, not knowing anyone, and asking someone where all the black kids were...I won’t soon forget that laughter. My junior year of high school, after a football game, I was forced out of a local establishment because there was a black guy with me and my good friend. It was a definite switch in gears for me in the southeast...but I did make some great friends in each location, and loved both places dearly.

I did find one likeness in both places though – most people were born there, have known their friends since birth, only vacation to one place, and live in a sort-of “bubble.” As I’ve gotten older, I’ve seen many people burst that bubble and branch out, but some never did. To each their own – but man, they have no idea what they’re missing!! I couldn’t imagine a life without diversity, travel, new experiences and people. I’m convinced that living your life in a shell doesn’t protect you from the hides you from life’s possibilities. I want to...and see...and meet...and grow...and do.

So GET OUTTA HERE. Take a leap of faith and accept that job in another state (if you hate it, you can always make your way back home). Take a vacation to a place you don’t know much about, and get lost in the city there – experiencing everything it has to offer. We have one life to live – and we should live it to fullest. Never settle, never stop learning, never stop growing, and never forget to tell thos you love how you feel. The moment you do, life will lose a meaning you never knew existed!