Thursday, May 9, 2013

I wish Heaven had e-mail

            Losing a loved one is never easy.  Whether you have time to “prepare” for their passing or not, you are never fully prepared.  You're never prepared for the level of grief that the loss brings either. 

I had it all together, so I thought, before I lost my grandma last August.  I knew she was approaching the end of her days here on earth, but I was NEVER prepared for her to go as soon as she did, or for the grief it would bring me.  Her "approach" meant another couple of years, in my mind.  I’m still waiting for the day when her being gone hurts a little less.  But I’ve started to process…and in doing so, this blog came to mind.

See, about 4 months after my grandma passed away I was emailing a group of my girlfriends when I stumbled across my grandmother’s e-mail address from years ago. I was trying to type in the last name of one of my friends when ‘Grandma’ popped up in the address line, as Yahoo tried to predict my actions and auto-populate the address for me to save time.  I froze.  Literally…could not move for almost 2 minutes.  I sat and stared at that address line as I could feel my throat restricting and the blazing hot tears threatening to erupt from my eyes.  I quickly clicked on the ‘X’ and closed the e-mail altogether.  I had to physically walk away for a minute.

I talk about my grandma often, but I had no idea what to do when faced with the idea of communication…or the lack thereof.  I felt like I was spiraling out of control, emotionally, when faced with the reality that I can’t hear her voice now, or talk with her, or just be near her.  I was scared I was reverting back to day one of my grief again.  And while I hadn’t come THAT far in the process, I had progressed enough that I knew I didn’t want to go back. 

So I allowed some time to go by and made sure to send emails based on first names, so as not to run into that emotional wall again.  But then I started to wonder…what would I wish to say if I had just a little more time?  I started to write it down…and then I drafted my first "letter"…and then I had one last hurdle…the ‘Send’ button.

I wish Heaven had e-mail.

While it may seem unhealthy to some, I am finding it therapeutic.  I get to say everything I want to say, and share all that I want to share, and cry all that I need…and then I click ‘Send’ and it’s off to cyber-space.  She knows my heart…always did…but in the moments when I feel like I miss her more than the day before, I take comfort in sending an email that allows me to get all of those thoughts/emotions out of my head. It may only be a momentary reprieve, but it’s a moment nonetheless.

Funny thing, I half expected to get a mailer daemon saying my message was undeliverable…so I created a folder in which to file all of those returned emails…but they never came.  So while I’m uncertain where they now sit…I’ll remain prepared, in the event they do come rushing back as undelivered.  In my heart, I know the message was still received in some way.

But, how cool would it be if Heaven really did have e-mail?