Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Life with Purpose...

There are so many days when I wake up and feel angry that I have to get out of bed and go to work….or get out of bed to accomplish some of the life tasks that I’ve put on hold during the week.  I scowl when the dog barks at 4am because he wants to go potty…because I got home from work late and he had to eat later than normal.  I’m certain there are many of you that can relate….except I don’t want to be that way anymore.  I don’t to feel mad about waking up again.  I want to embrace the moment alone with my puppy at 4am, even though my eyelids want so badly to close once more.  I want to give thanks for another day of life…

It’s unfortunate that an event like an elementary school shooting is what it takes to snap us back to reality sometimes.  20 babies lost their lives last Friday…6 and 7 year old BABIES:  and I’m mad about HAVING to get up and live another day?  How embarrassing.
I want my life to have purpose…and I want to wake up each day, attempting to make a difference.  I want to embrace my loved ones a little more often, and share a smile with a stranger, with whom I would usually avoid eye contact. I want someone else to read this and it impact them enough that they lay their political agenda aside to just live and love for a minute. 

I am so saddened that the first thing we default to is gun control and mental health initiatives.  We could probably use a revamp on BOTH, to an extent, but people who want to kill will do so by any means they see fit:  Timothy McVeigh.  It’s more appropriate for us, as PEOPLE, to take a moment to just remember those young lives that were stolen before their time…and to remember those Educators and school personnel that put their own lives at risk to try and shield the children from such unimaginable evil.  Leave your politics for another day….instead take a moment to try and make a difference in another person’s life. 

I remember being an outcast in school at one time, and not really feeling as though I fit anywhere…but there were a few people that seemed to always smile my way, or share in a friendly conversation that made the day seem a little better.  They had no idea the impact their kindness had on my life…and I want nothing more than to pay that forward.  Is this going to stop another event like Newtown, Connecticut from happening?  Maybe not…but a little positivity and love never hurt anyone.  And continued prayer can’t hurt either…regardless of your religious affiliation.

I used to love reading the news every day, but I find it harder and harder to do so these days when the pages are littered with such hate and negativity.  I might not have the cure, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit idly by when I can be living my life with purpose…and hopefully, I can make a difference in some way!